Living naturally while focusing on wellness and family. Join me!

Hello, my name is Danielle- I am a mom, student, entrepreneur, and goal digger! I was born and raised in the great state of Michigan. ✋

I love staying active and being outdoors. Some of my favorite things to do:

  • Bicycle rides
  • Jump rope/Hula hoop
  • Rollerblading
  • Playing the drums
  • Photography
  • Creating art
  • Cricut crafts
  • Travel

We love spending family time together playing board/card/video games, darts, and cooking. I enjoy being a mom to my 11-year-old son and being the role model that he can look up to. I became a homeowner in July 2018 and you can usually find me around the house working on different projects and upgrades.

I started a wellness business in February 2020 right before the pandemic really took over the world. Whole Life Health & Wellness made it through the changing world and continues to thrive helping women and men improve their health and wealth. I look forward to sharing health and wellness tips and inspiration to help achieve a balanced life.

Click here to check out my YouTube channel! Thank you for your interest and support.

Published by Danielle

I am a mom helping other families with living their best life!

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